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APRIL 06, 2020

Comlogik wins bid for Tarlac Provincial Hospital HIS Project

Comlogik recently won the bid for the installation of HIMS in Tarlac Provincial Hospital. This milestone comes after having implemented the 3 District Hospitals located in Concepcion, Camiling and La Paz in record time. The Provincial Government of Tarlac decided to change their current setup due to a series of issues encountered, its inability to perform other functions, as well as its limitation in after sales support – something that is very critical to a hospital as big as TPH.

In searching for new providers that will handle the tremendous task of maintaining and operating a 200 bed capacity hospital, a robust and flexible system that will adapt to evolving needs as well as growing problems in the healthcare industry, they seek out help from the nearby hospitals and asked what software they are using. They found out that 80% of them are utilizing Comlogik HIMS and were very satisfied with its features and the kind of support they are receiving which is exceptional.

Other suppliers bid for the project and submitted their proposal but were not able to match with the value of what Comlogik is offering. With its track record, price, ability to customize features that are unique to the hospital, tailor-fitted implementation, integrate the different district hospitals into one central repository of patient data and outstanding support makes it the unbeatable choice.

Under the leadership of Governor Susan Yap, TPH is expected to forge ahead in providing the best healthcare service that will be a model for other provinces in the country.